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OMG-ACB-530 from $319
Synchronous-Asynchronous RS-530, RS-422, RS-485 Cards

 RS-530, RS-422, RS-485 Cards

The OMEGA Advanced Communications Boards (ACBs) allow the user to configure a high speed, low cost SYNC/ASYNC communications solution. Protocols supported include X.25, SDLC, HDLC, MONOSYNC, BISYNC, and high speed ASYNC. The serial Communications Controller allows Full Duplex communications at speeds greater than 1 Mbps without the added cost of an intelligent communications coprocessor. This feature gives the ACB user an unparalleled cost/performance ratio. Models are available with one or two communication ports and support for a variety of communication standards. Both ports can be operated in full duplex DMA mode. Using this feature, both channels can operate at very high data rates with DMA.

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